What progress has been made in 8 years?

Eight years ago, Kent setup a “Grammar schools and social mobility Select Committee”. In June 2016, a document was released with 16 recommendations to increase the number of disadvantaged children who gain access to grammar school.

Of the 16 recommendations, just one suggested that help be provided to disadvantaged children.

-Recommendation 4: All grammar schools should provide more outreach to primary schools including after school classes in English and mathematics, mentoring and preparation for the Kent Test for primary aged pupils in Yrs 4-6 including those most academically able children in receipt of the Pupil Premium.

Great! But what accountability exists if Grammar Schools do not do this?

What incentive is there for Grammar schools have to deliver this?

If this support is provided, can it match the support provided to a child who has been tutored weekly for 18-24 months?

The remainder of the recommendations relate to ‘tracking’ the schools that disadvantaged children attend, trying to communicate with parents about the Kent test and removing transport barriers from being able to get to grammar schools once they have gained a place. I would suggest that the biggest barrier is a sense that Grammar school is not for everyone! This is consolidated year-on-year by children with privileged backgrounds achieving success in the 11-plus.

Do you feel that there has been any change in that time?

The statistics suggest not. The proportion of FSM children (children who receive Free School Meals, a commonly used measure of disadvantage) has increased, and gone up to just over 5% - whilst the national picture has risen to over 21%. The gap has actually grown between selective and non-selective schools in the last 8 years. Grammar schools still have significantly lower proportions of children from disadvantaged background than non-selective schools.

The Pass Masters are trying to increase access to support for families on low-incomes. Can we level up in this regard?

See the full report here



Will things be different?


Do Grammar Schools still promote social mobility?